Air Group 31
"The MeatAxe Squadron-- Cut 'em Down"


Fighter Squadron VF 31
Torpedo Squadron VT 31


Statistics of Air Group 31

Destroyed: 203
Probably Destroyed: 15
Damaged: 41
Total: 259

Number of Aces: 14
Total aircraft shot down by aces: 113.5
Average number aircraft destroyed per ace: 8.5
Total enemy aircraft destroyed: 203
Destroyed to loss ratio: 10/1

Airfields and Ground Targets
Airfields attacked: 30
Buildings destroyed: 24
Buildings damaged: 48
Gun positions destroyed: 21
Gun positions damaged: 3
Fuel and ammunition dumps destroyed: 9

Shipping sunk: ( 48,050 tons ) 26 Ships
Shipping damaged: ( 103,650 ) 22 Ships
Total: ( 151,700 tons ) 48 Ships

Combat Sorties-- Combat Air Patrol ( in combat zone )
Engaged in combat: 971
In zone, not engaged: 508
Total: 1,479

ASW Sorties
Antisubmarine patrol ( in combat zone ): 404

Total Sorties
Total patrol sorties: 1,883
VF strike sorties: 861
VT strike sorties: 277
Total strike sorties: 1,138
Total combat sorties: 3,021


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